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Found 2416 results for any of the keywords cto of. Time 0.008 seconds.
CTO as a Service | Ignite SolutionsIgnite’s unique CTO as a service enables you to hire a seasoned tech expert as the CTO of your company. No equity dilution, no large pay packet, only the tech expertise and guidance you need.
Leveraging generative AI at Bosch | ThoughtworksAs the hype around generative AI reaches fever pitch, we spoke to the CTO of Bosch Digital about how they re practically getting value from the technology.
Press Kit for Dharmesh ShahDharmesh is co-founder/CTO of HubSpot. He helped grow the company from startup to a publicly traded company [NYSE:HUBS] with over 7,000 employees worldwide. HubSpot provides a leading CRM platform for small and mid-sized
Videos Featuring Dharmesh ShahVideos featuring presentations given by Dharmesh Shah, co-founder and CTO of HubSpot
Dharmesh Shah - YouTubeMusings and ponderings, mostly on startups from Dharmesh Shah, co-founder and CTO of HubSpot.I blog about startups at
Roland UmukoroMy name is Roland Umukoro, and I am the Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CadRemit, a platform revolutionizing financial services. Over the past decade, I have bu
IDATE 2009 - CONFERENCE AND EXPO: , 2013 inThe iDate2009 (Internet Dating Industry Conference Expo) in , 2013 at . A conference and expo on the alternative payments, internet + mobile technology, management and management for the online dating, social networ
About Us | Ignite SolutionsAt Ignite, we push the envelope by building highly creative and technically advanced products. We walk the extra mile and ensure our clients success with excellence, integrity, quality, and responsiveness.
Ad Management Marketing Automation Tools | StriqueUt enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat aute irure dolor
Custom Software, Mobile App AI Solutions - AppoctetExplore Appoctet's innovative tech solutions for enterprises, startups, and SMEs. Discover proven methodologies, case studies, and tailored services to fit your industry. Schedule a call with our CTO, read client te
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